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Domů Alkoholické nápoje ISAUTIER BARRIK 40% 0,7l (hola lahev)

ISAUTIER BARRIK 40% 0,7l (hola lahev)

Výrobce Rhums & Punches Isautier, BP 57 - 97452 Saint Pierre Dedex
Kód produktu 61002
EAN kód 3283770111177
Dostupnost Skladem, aktualizace každé 2 h
Objem700 ml.
Obsah alkoholu40,0 % obj.
Cena 709,00 Kč
585,95 Kč bez DPH
Počet kusů

Specifikace produktu Isoautier Barrik Rhum Brun


Isautier Barrik 0.7 Liter 40% The small island of La Réunion is located in the homeland of the French brand Isautier, which is finally offered by the German market. The 'Isautier Barrik' rum is perfect for expanding your range or as an exclusive presence. The distillery art is well established in La Réunion, and the time to which the seafarer was visited by the sugar tube for rumors. The Is Isautier Barrik ’is based on this tradition and guarantees a best taste. Destille 'Isautier' is now more than 170 years old on the Caribbean island and can be viewed on the same history. Thanks to a large number of specialists, play and keep your experience. After 24 hours the fermentation is carried out by the mains to the first Mal distilled, this is constant according to the 'column still' process. In the vicinity of the second distillation, the fine medium-sized distillery is used, especially in ferries from the Eichenholz district. After rehearsal, the 'Isautier Barrick' rum, which is also in French as the 'Mature Barric Rum', is located. This is a blend of traditional rum with a wide range of 3 months. The 'Isautier Barrick' from La Réunion is important for a harmonious experience and strength. The blend is made up of various distillates, which are exchanged in the new Eichenfässern and rum to increase the caramel color of the caramel. The choice of the fighters was that it was possible to have a dark room with some wooden and fruity character. The 'Isautier Barrik' is straightforward and round, except for all the aromas: vanilla, caramel and edible oak. In the old town, we find this dazzling character again, which, on the way art and the way to the notes of honey and caramel pudding, is made to end with Nougat. The best is the "Isautier Barrik" as a digestif or as a change to the "Isautier Blanc Traditional" in a cocktail!

Zatím žádné příspěvky
ISAUTIER ARRANGE GINGEMBRE CITRON 40%0,5 předchozí produkt ISAUTIER BARRIK 40% 0,7l (hola lahev)  další produkt ISAUTIER CHRISTMAS 40% 0,5l (hola lahev)