Specifikace produktu rum Contadora Spiced.
4 x kolonovou destilací destilovaný panamský rum, jemnost, lehké přirozená sladkost a intesivní aroma jsou typické pro panamské třtinové destiláty. Macerace tajné směsi koření a ovoce dělají z tohoto "spiced" destilátu unikátní produkt, ketrý je svou charakterisikou nezaměnitelný.
Contadora Rum, manufactured by Bodegas de America S.A. based in Panama. Distillation on the island of Contadora, it is the only one rum of this island, which belongs to
the sovereign territory of Panama.
All Contadora rums are „ genuinely aged „ - the age nformation on the label indicates the youngest component of the distillate blend.
Contadora is are medium-sweet rum, smoke-like, very pleasant, delicate and aromatic.
In our opinion, the Contadora range is suited to the more advanced rum consumers who
will appreciate the complexity of this distillate. It has a very distinct taste of vanilla, chocolate, hints of coconut, a sweet conclusion.
Contadora is a typical representative of the Central American rum‘s. Excellent balance between price and quality.